16. June 2020
// Products & Services

Bloc – the intelligent system for your beds and medical devices

Digital support for administration and documentation

Slowly but surely, hospitals all over the world are returning to normal operation. Their beds are ready for various patients and medical devices are needed throughout the facility. And as always, those responsible for logistics have to deal with dozens of tasks at the same time. But help is at hand: Bloc – the intelligent logistics system for beds and equipment – from Stiegelmeyer.

Hospital beds and other high-quality medical devices require regular attention with regard to transport, preparation, maintenance and documentation. For staff, this can often mean paperwork and additional duties if, for example, a bed or X-ray trolley is not at the right place at the right time. This is where Bloc comes into play. The software assists you in many of your daily tasks. For example, it notifies you of upcoming reprocessing and inspections and automatically ensures that the documentation required by the German Medical Devices Act is in order. Bloc frees up time that staff can then use to devote more time and attention to their patients again.

No complex technical preparations are necessary, because Bloc fits effortlessly into the existing IT structure. The program can be operated on the ward computer or via the smartphone app. Information can be read out directly at the bed using a barcode scanner or via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). No mobile Internet connection is required.

Four modules for smarter logistics

One example of the great benefits of Bloc is the four control modules for bed management – which, by the way, can also be used to manage medical equipment and ultimately any object in the building.

The first of these is the Control Module, which synchronises all the tasks associated with reprocessing and servicing the beds and devices. At prespecified intervals, the products are called up for reprocessing or inspection. This avoids any unnecessary downtimes and the facility can operate more economically.

With the Management Module, staff can manage the master data and analyse how well the bed pool is being utilised. By evaluating the statistics, it is possible to use the beds more efficiently. The system could also identify situations where costs could be saved by reducing the total number of beds – or it could indicate areas where the number of beds should be increased.

The Order Module allows you to order the bed you require within your establishment so that it arrives where you need it and is configured correctly. Patients and care staff will find everything perfectly prepared, the level of well-being within the hospital will be raised, and the hospital’s reputation will be enhanced.

The fourth module is the Service Module, which assists with the documentation of all inspections and reprocessing tasks and helps ensure compliance with the requirements of the German Medical Devices Act. The extensive documentation required in care facilities, as important as this may be, takes up a great deal of time that could otherwise be spent on practical care for people. The valuable help from Bloc provides some welcome relief here.

Mobile use – with the Bloc app

As already mentioned, the program can also be operated using the smartphone app. The app is operated easily and intuitively via its newly designed interface with thematic tiles.  If desired, each establishment can book additional modules, such as intelligent room management or the organisation of transport for patients or materials.

The “smart hospital” and digital hospital management are major talking points at the moment – and there is constant criticism that Germany has a lot of catching up to do here. Bloc will help you to take a big leap forward into the future.

Questions put to...

...Stephan Zessel, Deputy Head of Service at Stiegelmeyer

What does the name Bloc stand for?

The name comes from an abbreviation of “bed logistics and controlling system”. Although the software can be used to manage other medical devices and equipment too, of course.

What kind of products is the Bloc software used for?

Basically for all mobile medical devices that are used in hospitals, such as mobile X-ray units, wheelchairs, beds or transport stretchers. The focus is on equipment that requires regular inspection and maintenance. Bloc can be used as required, for everything including the lawn mower!

What advantages does the Bloc system offer in the case of hospital beds?

The system supports the workflow in the management of hospital beds and bedside cabinets. Orders are always kept up to date and are forwarded directly to the pick-up and delivery service. The management of all cleaning and maintenance processes is simplified and optimally organised. At the same time, the documentation of reprocessing and servicing tasks and DGUV3 inspections in accordance with the German Medical Devices Act is also ensured. In addition, Bloc can be used as a basis for determining the costs (allocated charge rates) for specific transactions.

What advice will I receive if I am interested in the Bloc software?

First of all, there is always the basic version of the software with licences for 3 workstations. Expansions, configuration and pre-installation can be adapted to meet individual customer requirements. On request, we can also deliver the necessary hardware.

Further information about Bloc can be found here:

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