Machine-washable beds for caring in the home
Machine-washable beds are a strong trump card in the fight against multiresistant germs.
The subject of hygiene plays an increasingly important role in the care sector. Hospitals and care homes for the elderly are doing everything within their power to prevent the spread of multiresistant germs. The Stiegelmeyer-Group has been a pioneer in this field for many decades. It has an ideal solution on hand even for beds for home care use: the Dali-Wash from Burmeier.
Home care beds are often on loan from the medical equipment retailer and are used in several places during their useful life. The medical equipment retailer is therefore faced with the task of ensuring absolutely reliable cleaning and disinfection of the beds before every change. At the same time, there is a desire to save time and expense and to lighten the workload of the personnel. The answer to all these questions is provided by the machinewashable Dali-Wash.
Machine-washable beds are a strong trump card in the fight against multiresistant germs. Automatic reprocessing is also recommended by the renowned Robert-Koch Institute. The Dali-Wash was designed for commercial washing systems. It is easy to manoeuvre the bed to the washing machine on its transportation and storage aid. During the washing cycle, its KTL coating protects the bed from corrosion. KTL stands for cathodic dip coating process, an electrochemical painting process for maximum quality and durability. Special drill-holes allow residual water to fully drain off after the washing procedure. This ensures that the Dali-Wash has a long lifetime. The medical equipment retailer saves itself the effort and expense of the physically taxing cleaning by hand and protects its personnel from infection. Customers can rest assured that their care bed is fully hygienic.
Daneben bietet das Dali-Wash natürlich alle Annehmlichkeiten der europaweit erfolgreichen Dali-Serie. Durch das innovative 24-Volt-Antriebssystem bleiben den Betreibern Ableitstrommessungen über die zu erwartende Lebensdauer des Bettes hinaus erspart. Und mit den neuen textilen Softcovern von Burmeier lässt sich auch das Dali-Wash in ein farbenfrohes Designerstück verwandeln, das jede Raumeinrichtung aufwertet.
Hygiene, Komfort und Ästhetik gingen selten eine so glückliche Verbindung ein. Bei allen Fragen rund um das Thema Maschinenwaschbarkeit ist der Außendienst von Burmeier ein kompetenter Ansprechpartner.