28. October 2016
// Products & Services

BEST – Customised service for every bed

Experts from Assist offer hospitals in Germany a free ‘scan’

This acronym is a promise: BEST stands for “Begleiten – Erhalten – Schulung – Teamwork” (Support - Maintain - Train - Teamwork). But it also stands for the best of service, which is what Stiegelmeyer Assist provides. BEST is the Assist experts way of providing an irresistible offer to hospitals. The BEST Scan is a free analysis of all processes in a facility that involves beds. It is an opportunity for hospital decision-makers to receive valuable insights such as how to reprocess beds more cost efficiently and improve the well-being of patients and nursing staff, all with no obligation.

Beds need to be at the right place at the right time during the tightly scheduled hospital day - and in proper technical and hygienic condition as well. The reality is that problems occur. An availability of 98% of the beds is desirable, but for that to happen, the right course needs to have been set. Things like: How does the hospital organise the recommended bed inspections? How does it find the right spare parts? How is the staff optimally trained to deal with the beds?

The BEST Scan can provide answers to these questions. Our experts meet in the morning for a conversation and an indepth tour of the hospital. The evaluation takes place at noon and by afternoon the results are ready for presentation. These are not standard, rack’ solutions. We build on the experience and expertise of our partners and jointly find customised answers. Maybe almost nothing needs changing in a hospital, or perhaps it is quite a bit. In any case, our goal is to transform interfaces into connection points.

If room for improvement is detected in a hospital, Assist offers attractive solutions, such as our “Bed Licence”: We train hospital staff in the proper use of the beds. This avoids damage to beds and rooms and often takes physical strain off the nursing staff. Costs are reduced, the more positive mood transfers itself to patients and the reputation of the hospital is enhanced.

If a hospital also does not want to worry any more about its beds, Assist can be contracted with the inspection, upkeep or complete maintenance of the beds. Our computer program b.loc is an additional help by making simple and reliable organisation of bed reprocessing possible, for example.

BEST can be the beginning of a successful partnership that saves the hospital money and a lot of work. It is an offer without any risk that leaves the customer in control at all times. With BEST, Assist has not promised too much.

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