The mobility of residents and patients will soon move further into the spotlight than ever before. The reason for this is the new expert standard, "Preserving and promoting mobility in care” (“Erhaltung und Förderung der Mobilität in der Pflege“) according to § 113 a SGB XI (German Social Security Code). This standard is currently being tested nationwide and will be binding from 2016. The “German Network for Quality Development in Nursing” (Deutsche Netzwerk für Qualitätsentwicklung in der Pflege”) draws up guidelines in this document for assessing and promoting the mobility of those in need of care.
They also require a “mobility-enhancing ambience design” in care homes and hospitals. The experts, for example, recommend an individually adjustable bed height, good light conditions, handholds, handrails and steady furniture.
Stiegelmeyer care furniture helps to meet these requirements. The Vertica mobilisation bed moves residents and patients effortlessly into a sitting position and helps them to stand up. Individual bed heights with a large range of low-height bed settings are a matter of course in beds such as Puro and Venta.
Stiegelmeyer split safety sides provide ideal protection, but do not keep people from getting out of bed. Their stable middle supports or bar handles are excellent aids for sitting up or for holding on to when standing up. Better orientation in the dark can be provided by fitting the beds with an automatic under bed light.