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How to store the optimum height to stand up from your care bed
Our care beds of the Elvido and Venta series feature a particularly large height adjustment range from approx. 25 to 80 cm. During adjustment, the beds make a stop at approx. 38 cm, because this height is ergonomically ideal for many people to stand up and sit down. But how should you proceed if very small or very tall residents want a different automatic height for getting up? Product Manager Michaela Amedick explains how you can easily change the intermediate stop using the handset.
Check together with the resident whether the new height is really comfortable and safe. The soles of the resident's feet should touch the floor completely when he or she sits on the side of the bed.
When the new sit-to-stand height is fully set, press the two upper left buttons on the handset simultaneously three times in succession.
Then immediately press the third left button from above. You will now hear a signal tone to confirm that the new intermediate stop has been saved.